Invisible Ink by Elisabeth Joye @elisabethjoye #ReleaseDay

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Lex has never felt more exposed. She has just allowed Jake Reed, the lead singer of rock band Inkjet, to undress her and tie her to a chair backstage after a show, only to have him leave to go sign autographs.

It is the start of a dark, obsessive relationship that will lead Lex, a 20-something public relations professional from L.A., to lose herself almost entirely as she struggles to break through her sexual boundaries without falling in love with Jake, an intimidatingly gorgeous Hollywood actor/rock star who closely guards his emotions.

What starts as a series of casual hookups ends up a powerful addiction that will push Lex past all her sexual boundaries as Jake moves repeatedly in and out of her life, making few promises along the way. Lex fights to keep a sense of herself while she succumbs to Jake’s glamorous world and his irresistible allure.

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I have always felt most alive when I was seeing my favorite bands in concert.

I’ve also always wanted to write a romance novel. Since I was a 12, I have been writing fiction, blending my love of bands into my stories. This is how Invisible Ink was born.

I am a trained reporter with a master’s degree in journalism, but I gave up writing professionally to care for my son, who is about to turn 4. This little story became the way I could stay “me” while being a stay-at-home mom. I hope you enjoy the adventure of Lex as much as I did writing it.

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Twitter: @elisabethjoye
Invisible Ink on Goodreads

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