Harp’s Voice (Harp’s Song #2) by Cassie Shine @CassShine #Review

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The worst thing about getting an ARC is that you cant record your hi-lights through Amazon. Just my luck there are so many great quotes here too. Aside from that OMG How about that cover? I LOVE it. The girl is Harp to me and she is so clean and young it is perfection!

If you have not read Harps Song buy it here on Amazon. It is really necessary, in my opinion, although the author does a little back tracking to fill in the blanks. Why miss out on it? So the first book got to me. I was troubled by Annie, a mother, who hated her child. She abused Harp and it was very painful. Then the other shoes drop and you learn she was raped by her sister’s boyfriend. A heartbreaking vision of a 17 year old who is not believed  when she tells her parents she was raped. Eventually they come to an impasse and Harp begins repairing their relationship.

im in repair

In any book that approaches therapy in a positive way, such as this, I applaud the author. There is no shame in going to a therapist! Learning to effectively deal with your issues makes us all better people. Give it a try if you need help communicating, expressing or forgiving. If you have been abused or raped, it is a necessity. There is no way to heal without therapy.

be strong enough to stand alone

This follows Harp through her first year of college. Her relations with Connor, his mother Catherine and Annie really grow. Harp is a fantastic example of how resilient someone can be. I really want to say more, but unfortunately with the plot I cant.

it takes courage

There are also a few minor characters like Harmony (love the name) who is Harp’s room-mate in college. She knew Harp kept her at arm’s length and when Harp finally opens up, well Harmony needs her to find and repair her aura! Loved her. I liked, not loved, but liked cause I felt threatened by him, but Jayden was a TA in college with Harmony & Harp. Then there is Logan who is Harps cousin-brother. He was cool!

family drama the gift

This is a deep thought-provoking book so please grab book 1 and then this one. Bravo Cassie Shine you created a great group of characters and an even better story!


Cassie Shine

I love to read. Even after stuffing my face I will still eat dessert. I am a 14-year-old girl at heart.​

I grew up in Kansas City where my love of classical music was cultivated … and yes, I was in the band. After college, I lived in St. Louis before moving to California with my hubby. Despite living in the OC, you won’t find me on The Real Housewives… . Instead, you’ll find this midwestern gal-at-heart writing at my local Starbucks or Bread Co. (Panera to everyone else not from the Lou). We currently live with our two furry kids, Finnegan the Fat Cat and resident jerk, and Molly the Sweet Dog, our teddy bear.


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One thought on “Harp’s Voice (Harp’s Song #2) by Cassie Shine @CassShine #Review

  1. Pingback: HARP’S SONG, a B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree @CassShine #YAlit

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