Saving Ben by Ashley Farley #Review @AshleyWFarley @giselleco‏






 From the university campus to a cozy cottage on Carter’s Creek, Virginia, Saving Ben is a haunting tale of love and loyalty, anger management, substance abuse, and betrayal. 



I really liked this book. The most appealing thing about the book was the level of angst. I think it was perfect, definitely not overloaded. It has enough there to let you get swept away, and not want to cry a million times.

Realistically speaking there are alcohol and drugs everywhere and this is an example. The plot and overall story was the draw, not overly done and the showing of certain aspects of Ben manipulating is a key factor for me.

The other thing I enjoyed was the characters. Again they were a little edgy, with drinking, but nothing in such excess that made you regret reading it. I also liked that the Ben nose dive into trouble shows that people will do anything for the smoke, drug, drink they want. Katherine was the phenomenal sister always supportive. She thought being is college would free her from the drama of a broken marriage. NOT happening, that was removed and replaced with Ben and his new drama. Emma was the nutjob that you didn’t like, but couldn’t hate. Everyone has an Emma somewhere. She was a pivotal character.

Overall I really enjoyed the book. I think it will appeal to more than the NA and YA drama seekers. This genre has more appeal lately to me so that is probably why I gobbled it up. Definitely recommend.


4  star blog  book

The author


I wrote a novel, SAVING BEN, in honor of my brother, the boy I worshiped, the man I could not save. It’s not a memoir, but a story about the special bond between siblings.

I’m a wife and mother of two teenagers. I have lived in Richmond, Virginia, for seventeen years, a city I love for its history and traditions. Personal experience with my brother inspired me to become involved with the leadership symposium in my son’s school where I’ve helped bring in speakers to raise parents’ awareness of the alcohol and drug problems children face. When I’m not steering volunteer committees or working on my next novel, I can be found swimming laps or playing tennis.

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